Jana Papenbroock



Never Myself, Always the Same
in Mediendiskurs, May, 2023

Klimakompetenz stärken
in Medienradar, December, 2022

The In/Accesible Voice
Collaboration with The Anonymous Writing Group
in Arts of the Working Class, August 2022

Who Are You
Translation of an adaptation of the novel by Anna Kavan (English> German)  for ZAK Film Productions London/Berlin, 2020

Kranke Reden
Radio play text, (SWR2/DLF), September 2019

Hercule de Lubumbashi
Translation of a theatre text by Elia Rediger (French>German) for the Hebbel am Ufer (HAU) Berlin, 2019

Translation of Weimar Era films (German> English) for the Max Nivelli Film Archive, Ramat HaSharon, Israel, 2018

Die Vögel
Theatre text, production by the Kunstfest Weimar and the German National Theatre Weimar, April 2018

Knigge in Kabul
Theatre text, production by the Weimar Art Festival, the German National Theatre Weimar & the KULA Compagnie, August 2017

Warum lacht Herr W.?
Artist book, funded by the Cultural Board of Hamburg, Colorado Press, Juli 2017

Vacances à Tataouine
Translation of a libretto by Agathe Lemaire Thalazac (French>German)  for Chanteloup Musique, Paris, 2016

From Kula to Europa
Translation of a theatre text by Robert Schuster (German> English & French)  for the Weimar Art Festival at the German National Theatre Weimar, 2016

Sitawa Namwalie
Translation of poems by the Kenyan poet Sitawa Namwalie (English & French>German) commissioned by the Haus für Poesie Berlin for SPOKEN WOR:L:DS, 2014

Times – The Puzzling Almanac
Artist book, Colorado Press, Paris/Berlin, 2012

Essays & film critiques
for critic.de, Sissy Magazine & Unlike Media